OhanaJo Studio

(Members Only) Ho'oponopono Mandarin Session | Self-Love, Letting Go & Inner Healing
with Amber

July 27 (Saturday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
210 minutes

OhanaJo @ Plaza Arkadia

Do you want to forgive and let go of the past ? 

Are you looking to release the weight of judgment, resentment and disappointment ?

Are you looking to seek reconciliation, close chapters , or mend the wounds of the pain and hurt ?

Are you hoping to being in more self-love and gratitude to your life?

Uncover the wisdom of Ho'oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian healing practice of forgiveness and reconciliation that helps release what no longer serves us, wipe the slate clean and embrace new beginnings.

Session Highlights:

💫 Guided Meditation: Experience this ancient Hawaiian healing practice of letting go and forgiveness to cultivate more mindfulness and calmness within.

💫 Foster Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude: Release yourself from past burdens and nurture inner peace with compassion and kindness.

💫 Sharing Circle: Connect and share insights and experiences with other participants as we immerse in the collective healing energy of Ho’oponopono.

Join Amber on this profound journey of love, gratitude, and compassion as you release the past and welcome lightness and freedom into your life.

We can’t wait to see you there! 💕





让我们一同深入探索荷欧波诺波诺 (Ho'oponopono) 的智慧。这是夏威夷传统的和解与内在治愈之道,以爱,感恩和宽恕为核心,让我们学习放下人事物间的纠缠与矛盾、解开内心的枷锁,恢复内心平衡,实现内在和解。

💫 冥想体验:通过引导和冥想练习,您将体验到深度的冥想状态,回到当下,提升自我意识。
💫 爱和感恩之心的培养:学会通过冥想培养爱和感恩之心,学习原谅和放下,让身心轻盈,内心平和。
💫 分享与交流:与其他参与者分享您的感悟,与大家一起交流荷欧波诺波诺的能量,共同激发内心的力量。


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
